Hexagonal ruler
Flashes of inspiration are always unexpected. However, normal sketching tools are large in size and not easy to be used in public occasions like café. Therefore, Yuan is inspired to craft 4 pieces of rulers in a moderate size for ideas drafting at any time anywhere.
Each Hexagonal Ruler is only 72x62mm with diverse functions like compass, protractor and template ruler. Compare to traditional rulers, hexagon allows more functions to be built on. You will find multiple functions in a particular Hexagonal ruler, users can easily put them in pocket and use instantly owing to the special shape of hexagon.
Precise etching presents on 2 different metals to form the ‘Hexagonal Ruler’
Matte black and white painted graduations marked on Electroplated Stainless Steel. The contradiction between two extreme colors makes your work sharper and more remarkable ever.
Wire drawn Brass gives the ruler a nice premium look, while the aging effects of this material will change the look and feel of every single piece. As time goes by, Hexagonal ruler will become your personalized stationery.
每款面積只有72x62mm,相比起傳統的間尺,Hexagonal Ruler擁有更多的功能。配合專屬皮套,方便攜帶及保護,不論何時何地亦可把靈感即時記低。
Hexagonal Ruler使用了2種物料-